Wednesday, March 23, 2005

For a start

Let me start with something that interest me...

Dundee~ my SCDF SAR dog.... i oso dunno is it mine or not now. Well i started my new chapter in SCDF k9 unit but things are not as wad i expected. Mayb i expected too much before entering the unit.. Only gets to deploy dundee boy for twice in my sp life~ hahaha quite sad to say that i'm a dog handler without much experiences. Basically i just live my life ..cycling to work everyday .. reporting almost late and well jus following the crowd till the time comes to change and cycle back home. ......................................

Age is catching up with me life... health, strength, mentality seems to be changing everyday i live my life. I thought i will still be the same after serving my ns, but guess i'm wrong. I seems so active before entering ns.. now its like " lifeless "

Speechless now~... too many things on my mind to write down in this place i realised~ shall stop here till i got more complains with my life .... see ya blog~


At 3:47 AM , Blogger MING - a gentle wind said...

good shit nigga..
now u have a blog. link me

At 10:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

go and sleep early... keke...


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