Wednesday, June 29, 2005

have i Experienced life ?

Well come on guys~ ..... i need to take a break.

Been so many days, i losing my things in camp~ due to intentional and non intentional incidents that is now giving me a very irritated week in camp. Have to go around lookin for things i've lost and well what more ? i waste me time i waste my energy. Every morning that stupid retarded morning run is draining me flat at the beginning of each week. Monday, thinking that .... F*** i have 4 more days of running before i face 2 days of rest. Come on is my camp life meant for logical thinking humans ? or its made up of a crew of logical thinking human with a ilogical thinking leadER ? Comes to think abt .... " thoughts and thinking "

Happened to spent a nite with MR L ... oh... hehe romantic huh ? well Mr L ... we talked abt life and oh... i complained so much about life too. His theory seems logical to me in the end jus b4 i fell asleep. I've been thinking what he said that nite. Seems to be the right way to lead life ... according to his way. Haha~ well i think really ... i'm losing to myself not any1 elses. Having going to disrupt from ns ~ i feel happy coz i leave this unit earlier .. but i feel sianz coz i'm only left with memorises after that day i step out of the camp without that pass.

Seen knight for the last time today. Well that proves very much that, Human once again .... Human ~ .. only appreciates things when it is leaving or when its gone. Y ? Y cant we, humans, spent more time cultivating our minds and souls. Crap~ i'm preaching~ Anyway i shall stop here... this thing is geting lenghthy.... .

Bring me home .. bring me back to where i belong...


At 11:05 PM , Blogger MING - a gentle wind said...

not only should we be thinking NSF. we ought to be thinking human too. cheers!


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