Monday, April 11, 2005

WaZZzzz....... uP !

Oh my god... whats up with my life these day? !?

Let me get started with my pc~
spaywares, adwares and virus seems to be close friends with my pc now adays. Damn when will i ever get them disowned? I'm allergic~ .... allergic to SPYWARES!.... y...... K till now its still not fixed.

2nd ... M i such a timid person? haha this is funny. I signed up for a makeover thingy from Mediacorp. Suppose to nominate my girlfriend for the make over but when they called me, i am so 'scared' till i wanted to turn down saying i dun have the time, Lame rite~ Haha the whole thing is suppose to be a surprise for my gf but i dun dare to do it. If got selected i will need to spend time on the shooting and other things too. Will need to apply leave from camp and etc. Should i go for it? I mite not get selected but should i go for it instead of thinking of this and that ? haiz...

Been fated with mediacorp these days, my gf was given ticket to watch NKF charity show at mediacorp live. Woo it was cool to see artists which i dun get to see in my life~ in person. Emil was standing 4seats away from me! hahah he smiled at me~ damn i sound so gay~ hahaha cool overall i had a wonderfull evening / nite at mediacorp on sunday. Hoping i can work in there when i grad / ord-ed hahaha get to see artists and well play with top end power power equipments.

1 word - Style~ hahaha

So long since i blog i duno when is the next time coz i duno when my pc will fail me once more ~ ... -.-"


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