Sunday, March 27, 2005

weekend.... weekend....

oh well blogging time....

been out blading for the whole day, so tired... tml again blading. Need to save $ from going out already so blading hlps me reduce my spending for the day. Bought a 6men tent at $51, cheap rite? haha i also duno when i'll need to use it but well mum said " buy lor standby ma who knows when u need it ... " so i bought it and realised.. damn~ i spent again ! But its very valued for $ .. as its very big and very cheap .. now is to see how long can this cheap and big tent last me~ mayb 2 trips ? haha anyway it has been a wonderfull day..

so 'sporty' for my saturday ... my back hurts haha .... training for ippt starting soon haha after i realised i got 4days of cramps on my leg... after a 1.8km run on the trekmil... how fit am i hahhaha HOW TO PASS IPPT ! ....... i aiming for silver. please please please.... ** giv me some luck i wanna get the $100 ..........

Come home, my house smells like kennel~ oh my 2 dogs can smell like a 20 dog's kennel.. some1 .. hlp me .......... i canot take tat smell its too enclosed ! argh.......


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