Thursday, June 23, 2005

Think i'm losing it...

Crap ... my blog mostly starts with sickening things in my life~ Y ?

anyway... 15/06.. i celebrated my 22th birthday. Quite warming that my camp mates celebrated for me and lovely cake they bought for me. My mum and my gf celebrated with me too at home. Well i ate 3 cakes in 2 different days. Thanx guys + mum + my gf..

ok now the bad shit~

i find myself losing my luck ... after my birthday. Am i just paranoid ? Well let me explain. First! some bugger spoil the k9 cam plug and i have to get a new plug and replace it with my own $! ... While charging, power tripped and i have to charge them at other rooms! .... Secondly also with tat fucking cam ! ...... battery spoil .. this spoil that spoil..... kana screwed by my mdm ~ Now ? something is wrong with my life............. F**K WAD THE HELL IS GOING ON !!!


At 12:36 AM , Blogger MING - a gentle wind said...

eh niggoh.. relac la.
anwyayz thanx for ur pepper and honey chicken! yummy yummy! dun worry about anything. u can look for us, brudders will stand up (not our cocks of cos) for one another.


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