Friday, May 20, 2005

Nice date to update ..

Oh... for a moment i tot i'm going to let go blogging craps online. But ... nice date and i'm gonna blog something.

20/05/2005 = 20052005

Isn't it cool ? hahaha well anyway my show was broadcasted last nite on 19/05 thursday nite. Its fun to see myself on TV and well i looks... differernt too. Its really an experience to see myself on air and every1 in singapore who tuned in to that channel will see me and my girlfriend! Anyway i went orchard today and well many people actually ..... ' spotted ' us. Stressed~ but overall quite a nice experience.

K let me talk about something that happened 2 days back. Was involved in an exercise regarding " **** " incident. * Word specially treated to protect its indentity. hahaha !!

Well not involved actually~ ... i was mending the vehicle. Hahaha!! but well its an experience once again to see all vehicle on the move to location and turning out for and incident ! rite ? Well will i ever get a chance to stand by the vehicle, with so many force vehicles together at plaza singapura in the middle of the night ? NO RITE ? YEAH! i have a chance ! do u ? ????? Well quite a memory in my mind. I believe tat will be my one and only 'turnout' thingy in my ns life.. but unless singapore have anything serious that happen again but well of coz i will hope not !! Bless our economy and our nation's safety !!!!!


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