Sunday, May 01, 2005

Trip to JB

ooo... back frm JB is feeling kinda good.. y? because after Q ing up for 2hrs just to get pass the custom is a time wasting and life wasting thing to do ! Heard from experts that we human waste / spend the highest percent of out time ... " waiting " ... damn how right they were!!

Anyway managed to get in and shop ard but ... i didnt get my chance to eat the chicken i aim to have. Its the reason y me and my gf went back in again n again but missed again and again. Fate?

Suppose to go last week... i on MC canot go. this week can go he never work. NEXT TIME PERHARPS... Exchanged RM114 to go in and spend.. .but in the end i ended up leaving malaysia with RM85 with me ! .... never mind save it for my next trip then haha ... Alot ppl say there things cheap .. but not really leh.. i only find the food there cheap. I realised 1 thing, in sg.. hawkers etc all flies everywhere... but there though more dirty but no flies everywhere? hahaha think i ned to do a research on " Y ... the flies wont die in sg ~ "

oo... kennel, flies are dominating the whole entire 'garden' tat our beloved dogs shit in. Think i going to get myself a electric fly beater hahah for my own hygene protection. KILL KILL KILL !!! ........... begone; u flies!


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